Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Personal Project

This is the link to the next tutorial i have completed. This is part one of 2.

I learned how to get particles to stick to the white of a picture ive created in Photoshop, making particles form to pictures and words. I also learned how to get it to move in any direction, being able to create a waterfall or dust falling anything of that nature. There were no problems with the tutorial, when it was completed it was simple and easy to remake and customize.

This is one of the finished videos ive made.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Added Tutorial

This is the next tutorial I've done. It taught me how to use ncloth and make a realistic wave flow as if air were blowing through it. the only problem i faced was the flag texture, i did not texture it before i animated it so the texture would not flow with the flag, so i had to reanimate it after i textured it, but other than that there were no real problems.

This is the finish work for the flag(only on the dynamics of the flag) ship and the ocean will be added on to.